Yarn vs NPM: Deciding on the best package manager 

Iryna Hnatiuk


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August 27, 2024


yarn vs npm

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Selecting the right package manager is crucial for the success of any JavaScript project, particularly given the growing complexity and scale of modern web applications. NPM (Node Package Manager) and Yarn are the two primary options available, each with distinct strengths. 

NPM, the default package manager for Node.js, is known for its simplicity, widespread adoption, and extensive community support. It has improved significantly in recent years, adding features like workspaces and enhancing performance to better compete with Yarn. 

On the other hand, Yarn was developed by Facebook to address some of NPM’s early shortcomings, particularly around speed, security, and consistency. Yarn excels in performance, especially in large and complex projects, due to its parallelized installs and offline caching. It also introduced deterministic dependency management through the yarn.lock file, ensuring consistent environments across different machines. This makes Yarn a strong choice for enterprise-level applications and projects requiring stringent version control. 

In short, Yarn is generally preferred for performance-focused projects, especially in large or monorepo setups, while NPM remains a solid choice for developers who value community support and ease of use. The decision between them should be based on your project’s specific needs, whether it’s speed, security, or compatibility. Let’s talk about their performance, Yarn install vs NPM install comparison, and other aspects in a bit more detail. 

What is NPM? 

NPM, or Node Package Manager, is the default package manager bundled with Node.js since its launch in 2010. Seamlessly integrated into the Node.js ecosystem, NPM empowers developers to handle JavaScript packages with ease. Today, it’s the largest package repository globally, boasting over 2 million packages available for use. NPM’s core functionalities—installing packages, running scripts, and managing versions—make it an indispensable tool for JavaScript development. Its inclusion with Node.js ensures accessibility and ease of use for developers at all levels, solidifying its role as an essential component in modern web development  

Unpacking Yarn 

Yarn, introduced by Facebook in 2016, was built as a robust alternative to NPM, targeting specific shortcomings like performance, security, and consistency. While it shares similar core functionalities with NPM—such as dependency management, script execution, and version control—Yarn stands out with features like deterministic installs, which ensure identical package structures across environments. Additionally, Yarn’s offline caching and parallelized installation processes significantly boost speed. Yarn also brought innovations like workspaces and Plug’n’Play, making it particularly well-suited for large projects and monorepos, where streamlined workflows are crucial . 

Yarn vs NPM: What differs them? 

Dependency management 

Dependency management is a critical aspect of any project, and both Yarn and NPM have made significant improvements in this area. Yarn’s approach to dependency management is deterministic, meaning it locks down the exact versions of packages and their dependencies using a yarn.lock file. This guarantees that every developer on the team will have the same environment, which reduces the “works on my machine” issues . NPM also introduced a similar feature with the package-lock.json file, but Yarn’s implementation is often seen as more reliable and less prone to discrepancies. Additionally, Yarn’s workspace feature allows for better management of monorepos, enabling multiple projects to share dependencies and reducing duplication. 

Performance and speed 

Performance is another area where Yarn originally outpaced NPM. Yarn was designed with speed in mind, using parallelized operations to install multiple packages simultaneously, significantly reducing installation time. It also introduced offline mode, which allows previously installed packages to be reused without the need to download them again, further speeding up the process. NPM has made significant improvements in recent versions, particularly with NPM v7 and v8, which introduced workspaces and optimized install processes. However, is Yarn faster than NPM? Yes. It’s often faster in large projects, particularly when dealing with complex dependency trees or when offline installs are needed. 

Security measures 

Security measures 

Security is a growing concern in the JavaScript ecosystem, and both Yarn vs NPM have introduced features to address these issues. Yarn was one of the first package managers to introduce checksums to verify the integrity of every installed package. This ensures that the code you install is exactly what the package author intended, protecting against malicious alterations. NPM followed suit with its own integrity checks, but Yarn’s early adoption gave it a strong reputation for security. Both package managers also offer audit tools to identify and fix vulnerabilities in dependencies, although NPM’s audit feature is integrated directly into its command line interface, providing seamless security checks during installation. 


When it comes to popularity, NPM has the advantage of being the default package manager for Node.js, which has led to its widespread adoption across the JavaScript community. NPM is the most widely used package manager in the ecosystem. Yarn, on the other hand, quickly gained popularity due to its performance improvements and enhanced features, particularly in large-scale enterprise environments. While NPM remains more popular overall, Yarn has carved out a strong niche among developers who prioritize speed, security, and consistency. 

Environment of use 

The choice between NPM and Yarn often depends on the specific needs of your project. If you are working on a large project with complex dependencies, Yarn’s deterministic installs and performance enhancements can save significant time and headaches. Yarn is also a strong choice for monorepos, thanks to its workspace feature. On the other hand, if your project is smaller or you need to rely on broad community support and simplicity, NPM is likely the better choice.  

What do they have in common?  

Even with all the abovementioned differences, Yarn and NPM share many similarities. Both are package managers for JavaScript, capable of handling dependencies, scripts, and version management. Both use a lock file (yarn.lock for Yarn and package-lock.json for NPM) to ensure consistent installations across environments. Both support the use of workspaces, making it easier to manage monorepos. Additionally, both have large repositories with thousands of packages available, covering a wide range of use cases.  

Yarn vs NPM: Which is better? 

Yarn vs NPM: Which is better? 

Deciding whether NPM or Yarn is better depends heavily on your project’s specific needs and your development environment. Below is an expanded look at the advantages and disadvantages of each package manager, highlighting how they differ and what makes each one suitable for different scenarios. 

Advantages and disadvantages of Yarn 


  1. Speed: When comparing NPM vs Yarn, performance, particularly in large and complex projects, is the first thing to mention. Yarns ability to install packages in parallel and use offline caching makes it significantly faster than NPM in many scenarios. This speed advantage is especially noticeable in large projects with extensive dependencies.
  1. Deterministic installs: Yarn’s yarn.lock file ensures that the exact same versions of dependencies are installed across different environments. This deterministic approach reduces bugs and inconsistencies that can arise when dependencies differ between environments, making Yarn ideal for large teams and projects where consistency is critical.
  1. Security: Yarn was an early adopter of checksum verification, which checks the integrity of packages before installation, ensuring they haven’t been tampered with. This feature provides an additional layer of security, making Yarn particularly appealing for projects where security is a high priority. 
  1. Workspaces: Yarn’s built-in workspaces feature is a game-changer for managing monorepos and large projects with multiple sub-projects. Workspaces allow for shared dependencies across projects, reducing duplication and making dependency management more efficient. 


  1. Learning curve: Developers who are accustomed to NPM may find Yarn’s unique features and commands somewhat challenging to master initially. This can slow down onboarding and may require extra time for developers to adjust to the differences. 
  1. Smaller community: Although Yarn has a strong and active user base, its community is smaller than NPM’s. This can lead to fewer available resources, plugins, and third-party integrations, making it slightly harder to find solutions or support for certain issues . 

Strengths and weaknesses of NPM 


  1. Widespread adoption: NPM’s large user base translates to extensive community support, a wealth of tutorials, and a vast array of resources. This makes troubleshooting, learning, and finding compatible tools easier, especially for new developers. 
  1. Integrated with Node.js: NPM comes pre-installed with Node.js, eliminating the need for separate installation. This integration makes it straightforward to start using NPM immediately, simplifying setup and ensuring compatibility with the broader Node.js ecosystem. 
  1. Continuous improvements: In recent years, NPM has made significant strides in closing the gap with Yarn. New features like workspaces and improved performance have enhanced NPM’s functionality, making it a viable option even for larger projects. 
  1. Large package repository: NPM’s repository is the largest in the JavaScript ecosystem, offering millions of packages. This vast selection makes it easier to find the right libraries for any project, whether it’s a small utility or a complex framework. 


  1. Performance: Historically, NPM has been slower than Yarn, particularly when handling large projects. Although recent updates have improved speed, in the battle NPM vs Yarn, performance markers make Yarn the winner, especially in scenarios with complex dependency trees. 
  1. Dependency management: NPM’s dependency management has improved with the introduction of the package-lock.json file, but it’s still not as reliable as Yarn’s deterministic installs. Inconsistencies can arise, particularly in projects where dependencies are frequently updated. 

NPM vs Yarn: Which one to choose?  

Selecting the right package manager is crucial, especially as JavaScript projects grow in complexity. Yarn vs NPM, the leading tools in this space, cater to different demands and project specifics. NPM is the go-to for most developers, particularly for straightforward projects where community support and simplicity are key. It’s ideal for smaller applications or environments where seamless integration with Node.js is essential. 

Yarn, however, shines in environments that demand high performance, security, and consistency. It’s particularly suited for large-scale projects, monorepos, and enterprises where deterministic installs, offline caching, and workspaces are critical. As the demand for reliable tools increases, especially with the rise of microservices and monorepos, the ability to meet specific project needs becomes vital. Yarn’s parallelized installations and advanced features make it the better choice for complex, performance-driven projects, while NPM’s vast ecosystem and ease of use keep it as the preferred option for simpler or legacy applications  


Yarn and NPM are both powerful and mature tools for managing JavaScript project dependencies. Yarn excels in performance, offering faster installs through parallelization, along with deterministic installs and enhanced security features like checksums, making it a go-to for enterprise-level applications. On the other hand, NPM’s broader adoption, extensive community support, and seamless integration with Node.js make it the default choice for many developers. NPM’s vast package repository, ease of use, and continuous improvements have kept it highly competitive. Both package managers have matured significantly, ensuring that either choice can lead to a successful and efficient development process.

 Still not sure what you should opt for—Yarn or NPM? Contact us and we will guide you through more details, analyze your project, and recommend the one that suits it best!  


Should I use Yarn or NPM? 

If your project involves a large codebase, complex dependency trees, or a monorepo setup, Yarn is an excellent choice due to its faster install times and more reliable dependency management. Yarn’s deterministic installs ensure consistency across environments, reducing the likelihood of bugs caused by dependency conflicts. On the other hand, if you are working on a smaller project or prefer a simpler setup with broad community support, NPM is more than sufficient. NPM is also ideal if your project doesn’t require advanced features like workspaces or offline caching, and its widespread usage makes it easier to find help and resources. 

Yarn vs NPM: Which is better? 

Deciding between NPM and Yarn depends on your project’s specific needs. Both package managers excel in different areas. NPM, with its broad adoption, seamless integration with Node.js, and extensive community support, is often the preferred choice for smaller projects or when simplicity is key. Yarn, however, offers superior performance, especially in large, complex projects, thanks to its parallelized installs, deterministic dependency management, and features like workspaces. The choice ultimately depends on whether your priority lies in speed and advanced features or ease of use and widespread support .

When to use Yarn vs NPM? 

Yarn is particularly suited for scenarios where deterministic installs are critical, such as in large-scale projects, monorepos, or environments where multiple developers need to maintain identical dependencies. Its workspace feature makes it easier to manage multiple related packages within a single repository, streamlining development and reducing duplication. On the other hand, NPM is best used in smaller projects, legacy codebases, or when you want to take advantage of its integration with Node.js out of the box. NPM is also beneficial when working with a team that might not be familiar with Yarn or where the simplicity of setup and use is a priority.

Is Yarn still worth it? 

Yarn remains a valuable tool, particularly for large teams and complex projects that demand consistent and fast dependency management. Despite the improvements in NPM, Yarn continues to lead in performance and reliability, especially with features like Plug’n’Play, which removes the need for node_modules. For projects where security, speed, and reproducibility are crucial, Yarn is still a strong contender. Its workspaces feature also makes it indispensable for monorepos, where multiple packages must be managed simultaneously. In summary, Yarn is still very much worth it for projects that require these advanced capabilities, even as NPM catches up in other areas.

Can I replace NPM with Yarn? 

Yes, replacing NPM with Yarn is relatively straightforward. Both package managers are compatible with the package.json format, so switching involves installing Yarn and running equivalent commands. Yarn can even handle NPM’s package-lock.json file by generating a yarn.lock file for deterministic installs. However, it’s essential to avoid using both package managers simultaneously in the same project, as this can lead to conflicts and inconsistencies in dependencies. For a smooth transition, it’s recommended to stick with one package manager throughout the project lifecycle to ensure consistency and avoid issues.

Is it OK to use both Yarn and NPM? 

While it’s technically possible to use both Yarn and NPM within the same project, it’s generally not recommended. Using both can lead to issues such as dependency duplication, inconsistent node_modules structures, and conflicts between yarn.lock and package-lock.json files. These issues can result in hard-to-debug errors and unpredictable behavior. To maintain a clean and consistent environment, it’s best to choose either Yarn or NPM and stick with it throughout your project. This approach ensures that your dependencies are managed consistently, reducing the likelihood of conflicts and making the development process smoother for everyone involved.

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