Application modernization services


What we offer

Software modernization is crucial for companies who want to stay ahead of the curve. Our application modernization experts breathe new life into your existing software, making it easier to maintain in the long run. We help you take advantage of new features, improve performance, and keep your data safe with the latest security updates. Our legacy application modernization services are tailored to ensure your migration goes smoothly and without interrupting your operations.

Application modernization services take many forms, from updating the system architecture, components, and codebase to refactoring and tweaking UI look & feel. As a legacy software modernization company, we have 13+ years of experience in application development and modernization across industries. We choose the best-fit approach based on your requirements and budget, saving valuable business logic that is costly to recreate.

cta glow

Want to improve your product?

Our team is ready to uplevel your app’s performance, functionality, and usability.

Our application modernization services

  • Legacy software modernization

    We provide application modernization services that cover every aspect of your legacy system, from updating the codebase, frameworks, and libraries to revamping visual appearance and adding new features. Our experts use best practices and the latest tech stack to improve your app’s performance, security, and usability and ensure easy maintenance and scalability in the future.

  • Web migration

    Our web migration services are designed to help you move existing desktop applications to the web with minimal disruption to your business. This transition not only updates your current tech stack but makes your software more secure and user-friendly. Our team ensures a smooth transition and minimizes downtime for your operations.

  • Cloud migration

    We provide cloud migration services to help you relocate your workloads and data to the cloud quickly and easily. We start with assessing your current environment, planning and executing your migration, and optimizing your cloud infrastructure for maximum performance and cost savings. Whether you need to move applications to the cloud for the first time or migrate from one cloud provider to another, our engineers will assist you through every step of the process.

  • Software re-engineering

    Our team upgrades the quality of your software by making changes to the structure or design of the code and databases. By analyzing existing code and redesigning it to meet current standards, we help you achieve business goals while maintaining a high level of quality. The new version of your app will look and feel like a brand-new modern solution but will keep the same business logic.

  • UX / UI redesign

    Our team of UX/UI designers experienced in developing desktop application guidelines will revamp your desktop app’s user experience and look, making it visually appealing and easy to navigate. Whether you need a complete redesign or just some minor tweaks, we’ll ensure the result exceeds your expectations.

    • Conduct user research to identify areas for improvement
    • Create wireframes and prototypes
    • Design high-quality visuals
    • Test and iterate based on feedback
    • Implement best styling practices for UI
    • Improve user experience and app navigation
    • Develop ready-to-use design guidelines for further development
  • API integrations

    Our API integration services provide a way to connect various applications and exchange data between them. Integrating third-party APIs helps you extend your legacy software functionality when custom development isn’t possible. It’s the easiest way to begin your digital transformation and adopt cloud applications and new technologies.

  • Software re-architecting

    Sometimes, your existing system is incompatible with new features, integrations, or cloud infrastructure. In this case, we offer to re-architect your application by shifting from monolithic to modularity or microservices. This will not only improve application interoperability and performance but also reduce hosting and maintenance costs.

  • Software assessment and IT consulting

    We analyze your legacy system and need to identify gaps in functionality and performance. Our experts take a closer look at each component of your current setup and see how it fits into the bigger picture. This includes compatibility issues, data storage limitations, processing power needs, and more. Once it’s done, we make recommendations on application modernization services that suit you best.

  • Application modernization trends we willingly use

    We integrate cloud-native technologies for their resilience and flexibility, utilize microservices architecture for enhanced scalability, and leverage containerization for improved deployment speed and consistency. We professionally harness AI and machine learning to bring intelligent features to applications while ensuring DevOps best practices are in place to streamline development lifecycles and foster constant improvement.

    We at Blackthorn Vision are among application modernization vendors that adopt the most forward-thinking trends. Among them are:

    Cloud-native applications: Leveraging cloud infrastructure for scalability and resilience.
    Microservices architecture: Breaking down apps into smaller, manageable services for agility.
    Containerization with docker and kubernetes: Enhancing deployment speed and consistency across environments.
    DevOps and continuous integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD): Streamlining development cycles for faster delivery.
    AI and Machine Learning integration: Incorporating intelligence into applications for advanced data analysis and automation.
    Serverless architectures: Reducing infrastructure management overhead while optimizing cost and performance.
    API-first development: Prioritizing seamless integration and flexibility in application design.

Appication Modernization Services

Our application modernization process

  • 01

    Define goals

    Before starting any project, we define what you hope to achieve. We analyze your business problems and your performance and scalability requirements. Answering these questions helps us set realistic expectations for the project.

  • 02

    Assess your legacy application

    Next, we closely examine your existing application complexity and tech stack. This assessment gives you a better understanding of what needs to be done during the modernization process.

  • 03

    Select modernization approach

    Implementation is where actual coding takes place according to product specifications. Our engineers choose suitable programming languages and frameworks and decide whether your desktop app needs modularity or a plugin system. Based on the chosen tech stack, our team picks software development strategy and methodology and creates a detailed roadmap for every implementation stage.

  • 04

    Begin the modernization process

    The application modernization process involves implementing your chosen approach, which ranges from rewriting code to migrating data. Depending on the size and complexity of your legacy app, the process starts with the discovery phase or moves straight to modernization.

  • 05

    Test and deploy new application

    After completing the modernization process, we thoroughly test your new application before an official launch. This ensures everything works as intended, and users won’t encounter glitches once it’s live.

Difference between app modernization and digital transformation

application modernization services
app modernization services
application modernization solutions
cta glow

Need to modernize your legacy system?

We migrate legacy applications to secure, high-performing, and scalable platforms, boosting their business value.

Daryna Chorna

Customer success manager

How application modernization solves legacy software problems

  • If you struggle to find qualified developers for the legacy stack

    • We offer legacy app modernization services to empower your system with modern technology stacks and frameworks.
    • Our experts use popular and well-supported technologies, making finding developers for the app’s support easier.
    • We provide training and knowledge transfer to your in-house developers.
  • If your software is challenging to support

    • Our development team performs code reviews and identifies areas that lack maintainability and readability.
    • We suggest refactoring and codebase restructuring to reduce technical debt.
    • Our engineers implement automated testing and continuous integration to catch issues early and ensure stability.
  • If your app doesn’t match your current workflow

    • We collaborate with stakeholders to understand their current workflows and pain points.
    • Our UX/UI experts redesign the app’s user flows to align with the latest industry standards and best practices.
    • We customize the app to fit seamlessly into existing workflows, streamlining processes and enhancing user productivity.
  • If you have an outdated and hard-to-navigate interface

    • Our designers conduct UX research and gather feedback from end-users to point out challenges in the current interface.
    • We create a modern and intuitive UI design that enhances user satisfaction and ease of navigation.
    • Developers implement responsive design to ensure your app is accessible and user-friendly across devices.
  • If you cannot access your app from the web

    • We propose and implement a web-based version of the app to make it accessible from any device with an internet connection.
    • Based on your requirements, we choose the best-fit cloud or on-premises solution for the app’s deployment.
    • Our engineers develop APIs and backend services to support the web version and ensure seamless integration with the existing app.
  • If your system fails to keep up with business growth

    • Conduct user research to identify areas for improvement
    • Create wireframes and prototypes
    • Design high-quality visuals
  • If you want to add new functional modules and integrations

    • Our developers evaluate the existing architecture and design to ensure it supports new modules and features.
    • We develop new modules as separate components and integrate them into the existing system using standardized APIs.
    • Our team suggests and implements third-party integrations to enhance the app’s capabilities without reinventing the wheel.

Core benefits

  • Future-proofing

    By modernization of legacy applications, you ensure it will keep up with future changes in technology. This saves you the hassle and expense of having to constantly update or replace legacy systems.

  • Stronger security

    Older applications typically don’t have the same level of security as newer ones. With our legacy software modernization services, you protect your data from potential threats and make it easier to manage security activities.

  • Minimized costs

    Our application modernization services save you money in the long run by reducing maintenance costs and increasing efficiency.

  • Improved performance

    Modern software is faster and more efficient thanks to the latest tech stack. This leads to increased productivity and better user experience for your employees or clients.

  • Greater flexibility

    With newer applications come new features that make your business more agile and responsive to change. You also have an easier time integrating new technologies as they become available.

  • Competitive edge

    Those who don’t stay ahead of the curve are quickly left behind. Modernizing your legacy applications gives you a competitive advantage over other businesses that didn’t invest in software modernization services.

legacy app modernization services

For cloud application migrations

We provide cloud app modernization services of the highest quality to maximize the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of your business. Our seasoned team assures you that you will benefit from reduced costs, rapid scalability, high application uptime, reliability, and minimized risk. If you are considering application modernization, cloud will enhance your performance while saving costs.

Maximized efficiency and cost-effectiveness: Transitioning to the cloud offers reduced costs with flexible pay-as-you-go pricing models.
Rapid scalability: Experience rapid scalability to meet growing business needs without hefty upfront investments.
High application uptime: Ensure reliability and minimize risk with high application uptime, ensuring uninterrupted operations.
Faster application updates: Our cloud services facilitate faster application updates, accelerating the software development and deployment cycle by approximately 33%.
Enhanced performance and savings: Embrace the cloud for improved performance and savings, optimizing your software infrastructure for the future.

Application modernization: Timelines and costs

software modernization services
application modernization software
legacy application modernization services

Why Blackthorn Vision

  • 01

    Dedication to client’s success

    At BV, you’ll find a partner who cares about your success as much as you do. Our team becomes an extension of yours, working tirelessly to bring your vision to life. We don’t just write code – we think ahead, help to move faster, and prevent complications. We go above and beyond to ensure our clients are happy with the final results of their projects. That’s why our customer satisfaction score reaches 95% with an average engagement of 5+ years.

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  • 02


    We’ve been building up tech expertise since 2009. By following industry standards, we help businesses get the most out of software development services. Although we’ve earned the Microsoft Partnership, our expertise goes far beyond the Microsoft stack and covers diverse cutting-edge technologies. So, when you work with us, you can be confident that you are working with some of the best minds in the industry and natural problem-solvers. Our drive to share and multiply knowledge guides everything we do and lets us deliver top-notch solutions.

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  • 03


    Our rigorous hiring process adheres to extremely high recruitment standards without any compromises. We evaluate dozens of engineers to fill senior positions, while many talented junior developers come from our Academy program with a 5% acceptance rate. Most of our engineers major or double major in math and computer science, and our management team has in-depth industry knowledge and experience. The pursuit of excellence earned us a reputation as a reliable employer that keeps retention at 87%, with 1/5 of employees engaged for 7+ years.

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  • 04

    Strong corporate

    We are passionate about what we do and take pride in our work. Our corporate culture is built around open communication, creative thinking, and collaboration. Day by day we maintain a thriving environment where everyone can openly share concerns, give regular updates, and exchange constructive feedback. As Ukrainians, we share a European mindset and sync with our clients’ values at all times.

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What our clients say


  • Berkeley Lights  

    VP of Software 


    “Blackthorn Vision has been involved from the beginning. They’ve done almost all the software development on this product. Their professionalism distinguishes them. Blackthorn Vision’s teammates are good listeners and good workers.” 

  • ANC

    Chief technology officer


    “They work to help develop our company instead of only being a third-party service provider. As a result, they've become a part of our company, which is very cool. Blackthorn Vision has shown that they're willing to go beyond the call of duty to do their job.” 

  • Sensia 

    Digital Architect, Web-Based IoT Platform 


    “The quality of the work and engagement has been so good. They go beyond simply executing a task, story or test and are genuinely interested in understanding what the end user wants/needs.”  


    Director of Technical Recruitment & AMD Team 


    “One of the most impressive facts about Blackthorn is that they are very sustainable and stable partner. Good communication, good dedication for their job, and taking a lot of responsibility on their project.” 

  • Selux Diagnostics 

    Senior Program Manager 


    “Blackthorn resources are embedded in our team and serve as an extension to our workforce. And during the inevitable crunch periods Blackthorn was able to rapidly increase our access to a skilled resource pool on a temporary basis to meet important milestones.” 

  • Base Body

    General Manager


    "The range of skillsets in this company with the various employees, attention to detail and professionalism is impressive. To every problem was a good solution."

  • Balanced Flow 

    Vice President


    “This company clearly is dedicated to customer satisfaction. They volunteered improved approaches and modifications to requirements we never would have thought of. Their initiatives made the product much better. Their professionalism exceeded our expectations.” 

  • BrightArch 



    “They’re reliable and deliver what they promise. Building an attractive work environment allows them to hire great developers. They’ve had a lot of great suggestions from the start.” 

  • Townhill Software 

    Head of Product 


    “The most impressive thing about Blackthorn Vision was the dedication of the team to deliver on assigned milestones without clear indications. Although I possessed significant knowledge about the topic, I was mistaken about how much more there is to learn.” 

  • CostDraw 

    Director of project Services 


    “They’re technically very competent. They know exactly what they’re doing. I’d wholeheartedly recommend Blackthorn Vision.” 

  • SiTime Corporation 

    Director of Customer Engineering 


    “Blackthorn Vision LLC had a very professional demeanor and drove all tasks to completion. They did what they said they would do and did it on time like clockwork.” 

  • RemiPeople

    Chief Executive Officer


    “In addition to their technical skill, the team is responsive and have been a real partner throughout the process.” 


    Chief Executive Officer


    “I appreciate their loyalty. Blackthorn was always trying to resolve my problems. They did what I was expecting them to do; they’re great implementers.” 


    Chief Executive Officer


    “I appreciate their loyalty. Blackthorn was always trying to resolve my problems. They did what I was expecting them to do; they’re great implementers.” 


  • How do you modernize an application?

    We strategically plan our software product modernization services, tailoring them to suit your needs and goals. Our first step is to assess the current technology stack and architecture of your application. We identify outdated components, legacy code, and potential security vulnerabilities.

  • Why is application modernization important?

    Application modernization is essential for you to maintain competitiveness and relevance in the fast-paced technological landscape. By software modernization, companies enhance their user experience, adapt to changing business needs, improve efficiency, and boost productivity. Modernized applications also offer better security, compliance, and scalability while reducing operational costs.

  • What are the business risks of not modernizing a legacy app?

    Neglecting to modernize a legacy app exposes your business to significant risks. Some of them include heightened security vulnerabilities, inefficient operations, poor user experience, limited scalability, higher maintenance costs, compliance issues, and integration challenges.

  • Do I need to provide detailed functional specifications for a successful app modernization process?

    It’s great if you have documentation at hand – we will move faster with your project. If not, our experts will handle app modernization even in the absence of extensive documentation. We proactively mine the essential business logic from your existing app and perform a thorough investigation of code dependencies and component integrations. Additionally, we foster seamless collaboration with your in-house IT team, third-party vendors, and other knowledgeable parties to ensure a streamlined modernization process.

  • Is it possible to prevent operational downtime during application modernization?

    Absolutely. We adopt a strategic approach to cloud application modernization services, ensuring uninterrupted uptime for your apps. We divide applications into several independent parts, introducing changes incrementally. This phased deployment minimizes disruptions so that your app remains available and fully functional throughout the modernization process.

Contact us

    Please prove you are human by selecting the cup.

    Daryna Chorna

    Customer success manager