Things to know before starting SaaS development project in 2024

Iryna Hnatiuk


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March 5, 2024


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The software-as-a-service (SaaS) industry is an exciting and rapidly growing one. It’s a great opportunity for companies to offer their users innovative solutions and leverage a subscription-based pricing model at the same time. As we enter 2024, the SaaS industry is expected to continue its growth trajectory, with more businesses opting for this model.

However, before embarking on a SaaS development project, there are some important factors to consider to ensure its success. In this article, we’ll explore the key things to know before starting a SaaS development project in 2024.

So buckle up and let’s hit the road!

Software as a service (SaaS) market growth

The software as a service (SaaS) industry is projected to experience significant growth in the next few years. By 2028, the global SaaS market will be worth over $462 billion! This impressive figure reflects the rising popularity of cloud-based services and their ability toreduce costs and improve efficiency and productivity for businesses.

The growth of the SaaS sector has been propelled by an increasing number of companies moving away from traditional on-premise solutions and towards cloud-hosted applications. Cloud computing offers many advantages, such as greater scalability, improved performance, secure storage capabilities, lower IT expenditure, and faster deployment times. These factors are driving organizations to adopt SaaS technologies, which, in turn, is driving the growth of the market.


Popular misconceptions about software as a service

While SaaS has many benefits, such as reduced costs and increased flexibility, there are also several misconceptions surrounding this delivery model. Whether you are a business owner looking to develop SaaS application or an individual curious about this technology, understanding the truth about software as a service will help you make informed decisions.

Myth 1: SaaS is too expensive

The cost of SaaS solutions can be much lower than traditional, on-premise solutions. With SaaS, you don’t have to invest in any hardware or software licenses, and many providers offer pay-as-you-go models and subscription plans that allow you to scale up or down as needed.

Myth 2: Security risks are higher with SaaS

Many businesses worry about the security risks associated with cloud computing, but the fact is that SaaS solutions often provide more robust security than on-premise systems. In fact, most reputable SaaS vendors employ the highest levels of encryption and data storage security protocols to protect their customers’ data

Myth 3: SaaS solutions are not customizable

While it’s true that SaaS solutions may not be as easily customizable as on-premise options, most providers offer a wide range of customization options. Many also allow you to integrate with other services and build custom APIs and integrations to further customize the solution for your specific needs.

Myth 4: You don’t own your data when using SaaS

You always own your data when using a SaaS solution; there is no gray area here. The provider may have access to the data, but they do not own it — nor can they use it for their own purposes without your explicit consent.

Myth 5: SaaS solutions lack robust analytics capabilities

Many SaaS solutions offer powerful analytics features that allow you to track usage, analyze customer behavior, and generate meaningful insights into the performance of your business. With the right solution, you can gain valuable insights and use them to make smarter decisions about how to grow your business and reach new audiences.

Myth 6: You won’t get good customer service when using a SaaS solution

Most reputable SaaS providers offer excellent customer service that can help you with any issues or problems that arise during setup and usage. Additionally, many provide extensive documentation and resources to enable customers to learn and use the solution on their own.

Myth 7: SaaS solutions are not reliable

Most reputable SaaS vendors employ stringent uptime metrics and redundant data storage protocols to ensure that their services remain up and running smoothly at all times, so you can be sure that your data is always safe and secure. Additionally, many providers also offer additional features such as disaster recovery plans in case of any unexpected outages or other events.

Myth 8: SaaS solutions are too complex for non-technical users

The user interface of most modern SaaS solutions is designed to be easy to understand and navigate, even for those with no prior technical experience. Furthermore, many providers also offer extensive help and support resources to assist users who may need additional assistance.

Myth 9: You can’t migrate existing data to a SaaS solution

Many SaaS vendors offer robust migration tools that allow you to easily move your existing data into their platform, so you don’t have to start from scratch with a new system. Additionally, many providers also provide custom services or third-party integrations that make it even easier for businesses to transfer their data quickly and securely.

Myth 10: All SaaS solutions are the same

While all SaaS solutions share some common features, there are tremendous differences between offerings from various vendors. It is important to do your research and find the solution that is best suited for your specific needs and budget. Different solutions offer different features, pricing models, customization options, and support plans, so make sure to compare them carefully before making a decision.

Myth 11: SaaS solutions can’t scale with your business

Most modern SaaS solutions are designed to easily scale up or down to meet the changing needs of your business. Depending on the provider, some solutions may provide additional resources such as increased storage space or user accounts to accommodate larger customer bases or higher volumes of data. Additionally, some SaaS vendors also offer enterprise-level packages for businesses with more complex needs.

Myth 12: You can’t integrate a SaaS solution with other software

Most modern SaaS solutions have extensive APIs and open source libraries that allow developers to easily integrate them with other applications, databases, and platforms. Additionally, many providers also offer custom integration services or third-party integrations that help streamline the development process and reduce time-to-market for new products and features.


Tips for 2024 SaaS app development

Building a SaaS app from scratch takes time, a great deal of technical expertise, and effective planning. Knowing what to expect is key to overcoming typical challenges in SaaS development and getting the most our of your software investment.

With these steps in mind, you can outline your way to developing a successful SaaS app in 2024.

Step 1: Define your goals & requirements

Before diving into the development process, you need to clearly define your goals and requirements for the SaaS app. Think about what platforms it will be available on, who will use it, how it should function, and any other factors that may be relevant. This step ensures you create a product that meets customer needs.

If you’re new to SaaS software development, you will need expert help to keep your processes effective. A business analyst role is often overlooked in this context, but it can be crucial to your SaaS project success. Business analysts help define product requirements from both technical and business standpoints, ensuring that the development team stays focused on what’s important throughout the SDLC. Check our business analysis expertise and services to gain more insight.

Step 2: Choose a platform

Once you have a good understanding of your target audience and their preferences, the next step is to decide which platform (or platforms) to develop the SaaS app for. Popular choices include mobile (iOS or Android), web-based apps, or even desktop applications. Depending on your chosen platform, you will pick a suitable development environment and language for your project.

Step 3: Pick the technology stack

Choose the tech stack for your SaaS application based on the your business needs and functional requirements. The technology stack refers to the combination of programming languages, frameworks, libraries, and tools that are used to build your application.

Your technology stack should be able to scale with your SaaS application as it grows. It should also be flexible enough to accommodate changes and updates in the future. On top of that, you will likely need to integrate your SaaS app with other tools and services. Make sure the platform you choose has robust integration options so you can easily connect your application to other tools and services.

Step 4: Design the interface

This is where you design how the SaaS app will look and feel. This includes creating user flows, wireframes, and mockups that capture the desired user experience.

When creating a great UI, it’s important to think about user needs first and use colors, shapes, fonts, images, etc. to make it visually appealing as well as intuitive. Remember: end-users want to solve their problems in the most effortless way. That’s why good UI/UX design puts usability in the spotlight, transforming user needs into product value. Here, everything depends on your UI/UX designers, as their experience and skills define your future SaaS product’s success.

Our UI/UX design services will help you leverage over a decade of experience in product design to provide maximum user value.

Step 5: Write the code

Once you have all of the required elements in place (e.g., platforms chosen, requirements defined), this is when you actually start writing code for your SaaS app. Depending on what language you chose earlier, you may need to find a suitable framework or library that will help make the development process easier. Additionally, make sure that your code is clean and well-structured—this will save you time in the debugging stage.

Step 6: Test and debug

This step involves testing all aspects of the SaaS app for any potential bugs or issues. This includes running unit tests and integration tests as well as manual user testing if needed. After resolving any remaining issues, the SaaS app should be ready for deployment.

As simple as it sounds, quality assurance is not a simple task and requires relevant expertise. It’s common to assume that developers can handle both writing code and testing. However, hiring dedicated QA engineers is far more effective for your productivity and your budget. QA experts know more ways to find bugs, and find them fast. Besides, their rates are tangible lower than those of software developers.

Step 7: Deploy and maintain

Finally, once everything has been tested and is working properly, it’s time to deploy your SaaS app. Depending on your chosen platform, this could involve submitting the app to an app store or setting up a web server and hosting it online. Additionally, you should also plan for ongoing maintenance after deployment in order to ensure that the SaaS app is always up-to-date and functioning properly.

Kick-start your SaaS development with Blackthorn Vision

Before starting your SaaS development project, make sure you outlined a plan for each phase of SDLC. Preparation is key to allocating your resources wisely and avoiding pitfalls down the line. Of course, you need to understand the process of SaaS development to handle a complex project like this. But if you don’t have relevant background, don’t worry — our IT professionals are here to help.

At Blackthorn Vision, we have a wealth of experience when it comes to SaaS development. Our team is passionate about creating software solutions that meet exact customer requirements while delivering maximum value and satisfaction.

We don’t just offer SaaS development services. Our team are experts in troubleshooting, debugging and optimizing SaaS systems to ensure that your customers always have the best experience possible. We also collaborate closely with you to understand your precise needs and develop custom SaaS solutions tailored to them.

Contact us today and let’s discuss how we can help you build a successful SaaS system!

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