Software solutions for monitoring gas & oil company

  • Industry

    Energy, oil & Gas

  • Location


  • Platform


  • Cooperation

    10+ years

  • About the project

    Our Front-End engineers work as part of the team of a US company – the leader in Digital Oilfield Solutions. The task was to create an upgraded version of a web-based solution that optimizes oil and gas equipment and answers critical questions about its condition and performance.


    The challenge was to use the right modern technology to take the software to a new level, further improve the customer experience, enable scalability and compatibility with mobile platforms.


    Over the last seven years, the Blackthorn Vision team has been helping to upgrade the existing web-based application, add new functionality and make the customer experience even greater.

    The application was designed to compute, analyze, control and communicate the parameters needed to optimize production of naturally flowing wells. It is used by operators and maintenance personnel of petroleum companies to monitor the status and productivity of oil and gas wells and other equipment.

    All business and operational issues are solved by clean, accurate and comprehensive analytics, which involves monitoring, collecting and contextualizing large amounts of data, and then presenting it to workers in the form of useful, actionable insights.

    The analytics could also include behavior and performance trends of artificial lift systems, real-time performance and alarm information from surface processing skids, remote wellhead-monitoring systems or multiwell pad insights into downhole and reservoir conditions.


    1. Access from anywhere

    The solution allows the operation of different devices from any part of the world with internet access. There are two deployment options: cloud and on-premises. The latter is more secure.

    2. Easy configuration for diverse needs

    The software is flexible and easy to configure for specific needs and groups of users. Depending on the production stage, technical staff can track various real-time data, for instance, about oil and gas extraction, with the possibility to retrieve this data as a text file for further analysis.

    3. Real-time tracking and early error detection

    Surveillance engineers can work with aggregate information from many wells and:

    • analyze the overall situation detect problems, e.g.,
    • intake pressure broken shaft stuck pump
    • gas interference well shutdown
    • monitor extraction status see alarms and events log

    4. Oil or gas production management

    It is crucial for Surveillance engineers to have a detailed overview of the well parameters – processes and operation time. What the user can see:

    • A real-time chart to track changes in oil or gas production parameters, with the possibility to analyze historical data.
    • Automatic Error Detection (AED) events and alarms generated during gas/oil extraction.

    Users can configure alarm rules flexibly for different conditions and set priority and severity levels.

    Depending on the extraction status, a Surveillance Engineer may decide to start or shut down well processes, e.g., in case of equipment clogging or breakage – to prevent greater damage. This useful feature allows monitoring processes in real-time and immediately reacting to emergencies.












    Spring Boot


    Apache Flink




    Postgre SQL









    Business value

    We offered the client a complex service of the full development cycle, technical support, and management. The dedicated team model lets us swiftly respond to changes and clients’ requests.

    The digital solution that we created – connected oilfield – has multiple benefits for the business, like Software as a Service:

    • Operationalized data
    • Minimizing blind spots
    • Improved decision-making
    • Stakeholders connected in real-time
    • A clear understanding of equipment performance and downhole conditions 
    • Issues addressed before resulting in unexpected downtime
    • Timely failure detection prevents more severe damage
    • Significant economy
    • Minimized loss
    • Improvement of workflows
    • Better business outcomes

    Thanks to our solution, the overall improvement of all processes gives a considerable increase in oil and gas production efficiency. Under volatile market conditions, it is critical for business profitability and even survival.

    Sensia is an American provider of the first digitally enabled, integrated automation solutions in the oil and gas industry. Our team of 1,000+ experts work to drive production, processing and transportation efficiency, optimize equipment performance and reduce risks for customers in more than 80 countries.

    Contact us

      Daryna Chorna

      Customer success manager